Thursday, April 02, 2009


This evening has been kind of frustrating. -Don't worry, I won't be complaining too much.- But this evening was my first shot at doing the whole stall alone. I can do everything in the stall but hooking up the cows. The hardest part is remembering where each cow goes. Each has their own specific place in the stall. I was kind of frustrated because I told Dirk that I didn't know, but he still wanted me to try. I had to, because he wasn't going to be there when we usually start the stall work in the evening (5ish). There are two different places in the stall, one side has four cows and one calf while the other side has the rest. These two sides are connected by an outside pen-like area. I was trying to coax one cow to go into one of the sides so I could hook her up, but as I was reaching for her collar, she decided to use one of her horn's on me in an un-peaceful manner. She struck me with the side of her horn (not the tip) on my upper right arm and front of my shoulder. It took me a little while to get my bearings. She didn't knock me off my feet but, hurt! And it still hurts. I continued on in the stall hooking up cows while full of frustration and a hurt shoulder. Finally, Dirk arrives. Amazingly, I only got two cows mixed up in the whole process. I'm anticipating my shoulder to hurt a lot more tomorrow.

A happier note sometime later,

1 comment: said...

Biofreeze Time!
Cows can be like that. They want their own way. Too bad Gma Friesen isn't around to share cow stories with you!
Love you Lots!