Sunday, July 26, 2009

For My Entertainment

There's a path that runs in front of the house, a hiking path. On good days such as today, it is busy with much foot-traffic. In Switzerland, the hiking paths are marked with yellow arrow signs that say "Wanderweg" - or wander way. Other signs can be as simple as a yellow diamond, just so you know you're on the path. At intersections (yes, they have so many paths that they intersect each other), there are signs that give time and distance to towns or landmarks. Anyway, I digress to the first sign I was describing, the simpler yellow "Wanderweg" signs. When people come on the trail from town, the last sign along the road (or our driveway) and the sign down the hill are not visible from each other - the green house is in the way.

This has been giving me much entertainment since hiking season began. People come (with their walking sticks, of course) and do one of two things at the sign on the driveway. First, they could do the stop and freeze, searching for the sign and not finding it. If there is a couple, the man will usually be pointing with his walking stick in the direction that he thinks the path goes. The second thing they could do is that they usually continue in the direction that the next sign actually is, but stopping in front of the green house so they still cannot see the next sign. Sometimes they continue along the driveway and even around the house, still not spotting it. It gives me great satisfaction to see their confusion.

That is all,

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