Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a short update

Just thought I'd update you on my condition. The pills have started to work and I have been able to sleep through the night for a few nights in a row. I have been taking yeast pills to promote growth of bacteria in my intestines and silicon oxide pills, which taste like chalk.

Also, here some pictures. I've also added pictures to the previous entry, so scroll down to see more!

The dog's name is Riesling:

This is the courtyard. I live in the building on the right, third floor.

The views of the courtyard are from the entrance. The boxing/labeling room is on the left.

This is a big, old tower, where there is a bed and breakfast. It's not old inside.

I try to be artsy sometimes.


Austin Smith said...

Neato! I just realized, the last time I commented on here, I was under my alias "The Commodore" - now that's fixed. I betcha didn't know who The Commodore was...???'s my gamertag on xboxlive....

SchwesterGaga said...

I'm counting on you shipping some of those bottles my way! :)