I picked up three different beer glasses. All are .3L, instead of the 'normal' European .5L. This is good because they just don't sell beer in half-liter portions in the US. One is even a boot.
When perusing the t-shirts, I was hoping to load up on shirts that had different things written on them in German. None really stuck out to me, until I came to this one:
After thrifting we went to a sports club (think YMCA). There we went swimming. Nothing much to report about that other than that I float about the same over here.
Brace yourselves for the next section. It may involve some gruesome pictures.
It was time
Yes, it was time. Since early August, I had not trimmed my facial hair. Until Thursday night. Things were starting to get tangly and knotty (naughty?).
After 8 months, it had grown about 9 cm. We'll just say about a centimeter a month:
I decided to have a little fun with it, so I let Tim tell me how to trim it. Here's the beginning:
I wanted to leave it like this, but Tim didn't want me to:
Wrapping up:
(cue fanfare)
(play fanfare)
The nearly finished product:
What have I learned about having a beard such as the epically long (for me) one that I just trimmed? It comes down to this. Having a beard is one of the easiest ways to keep people from sitting beside you on the train. They take one look at you and possibly at the book you're reading and keep walking down the aisle. I enjoyed that. I always had a seat or foursome of seats to myself unless the train was really full.
Fun upcoming things
I will be heading into Germany for Easter and visiting my old friend from high school, Phil. This seems to be our only chance to catch up with one another in the entire year I'm here, so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity.
Rumor has it that the Dave Matthews Band will be playing the festival that such acts as Eric Clapton, Chuck Berry, BB King, Bo Diddley, Deep Purple, and Stevie Ray Vaughn have been apart of. Held every year on the shore of Lake Geneva, the Montreux Jazz Festival is one of the most prestigious music festivals in Europe. If the rumors are true and they are playing on a Saturday night (July 4th to be exact) I will try to make this show.
With that,
Thanks for the blog. The beard looks much better...thank you!
Do you know Tim Haynes?
.5L is not the European standard. In Southern Germany and much of Switzerland and Austria they do it proper with half-liters, but go up north where things like Kölsch and other types of pilsnery things are the norm and you are lucky to get a third-liter, with .2L in skinny glasses being more common. The same goes for the Netherlands and Belgium, and France as well. In Spain you are lucky to find anything larger than a third-liter. Only in Great Britain is the generous pint (Imperial, not American) larger than a half-liter, but I think that speaks more about Englishmen than anything else.
Your Auntie is just TOO happy that you trimmed that thing (that was getting a life of its own)!!! NOW you look like my beautiful nephew!
Your Auntie Loves you!!!
Auntie Fran
Amen! The beard was overdue! Looks sooo much better!
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