Sunday, May 17, 2009

Send happy thoughts

I'm not usually one to make a request like this, but I'll do it without getting too specific.

Alyssa really needs some happy thoughts sent her way. She's going through a rough patch right now and really needs them.


1 comment:

Austin Smith said...

That's terrible! Let's see Happy Thoughts...happy thoughts....schmappy foughts...phrwooberg mops...

Wouldn't you be the best fighter in the world if ever you punched some one, they crapped their pants!? I think so. The person would definitely have to have a handle-bar mustache, or one that curly-cued upwards like an upside-down letter M on his face, which if you delve in to the art of ridiculous facial hair, the ultimate mustache would sprout from your nostrils up to your side-burns, and then down your face, which again, resembles the letter M, or an upside-down W. What if someone's back-hair made a sweater-like apparatus to the person's chest!? That would be weird. That person would never have to wear a shirt - people would just come up to him and say, "Nice sweater, gov'na! May I inquire where you purchased it!?" And in response, that person could punch them in the nipple, and they'd crap themselves. And that's how Hercules defeated The Mechanical-Man, but instead of diarrhea, The Mechanical-Man crapped milk, which is a natural bodily function for robots. TTHHHEEE EEENNNDDD!

How's that for happy thoughts!? A+