Well, here is where you'll be able to see my life in aviation take off...as it has since I began learning how to fly in August 2005. I'll try to keep this updated once or twice a week as I fly with my camera and let you see what I get to see almost every day.
I'll also try to keep my logbook information updated on here. So here's what I have so far...
Number of instrument approaches: 84
Most recent instrument approach: Localizer Backcourse 31 @ KHUT
Number of landings: 302
Day Flight Hours: 157.3
Night Flight Hours: 8.6
Pilot-In-Command Hours: 116.9
Total Flight Hours: 167.0

January 7, 2006 - KEWK (Newton) to KHUT (Hutchinson)

Pulling into the tiedown spot at KHUT.

The Alps after departing Zurich en route to Dulles Int'l Airport after a month in Europe with the Hesston College European Chorale.

Maybe someday? The advanced cockpit of the Boeing 777, getting ready for push-back from the gate at Dulles.

Giving Nana the tour of the Hesston College Aviation Hanger.

Flying amongst the clouds on July 28, 2006 during an instrument training flight - KEWK - KSLN (Salina) - KGBD (Great Bend) - KEWK.

On final for runway 17 at Newton.

Flying above home, dad took this.

Taking off after refueling at KLBL (Liberal). We were en route to Raton, NM, for mountain flying. Because of construction, only one taxiway was open to get to this runway. With the wind the way it was, about seven planes taxied along with us and awaited their turn for takeoff...we were first in line.

Flying in a valley on our way from Raton, NM, to the ski-resort of Angelfire.

Just a cool picture...still mountain flying.

Yep, that's me.

Thanks to the Wright Bros. for putting us where we're at in the aviation world. The Wright Flyer at the National Air and Space Museum.

3O9 (Grand Lake Regional Airport, OK). I flew right seat with Grant Baker on a cross-country flight.

Boeing 737 full-motion simulator at Continental Pilot's Training Center in Houston.

The most recent picture of me in an airplane.

Absolutely gorgeous.
Hope you enjoyed it, there'll be more to come.